Privacy Policy

At Zacks Investment Research, we value you as a customer. Since our inception in 1978, we have sought to have long-term relationships with our customers. Thus, we do not wish to profit from the unwanted distribution of your private information or to inundate you with unwanted e-mails or other material. We only disclose the information you provide us or send you information if you authorize us to do so by choosing to receive e-mail services on our Web site or opting out from third party mailings. With your approval, we use the information you provide us in the following ways:

Zacks Investment Research Internal List
Everyone who submits personal information to Zacks Investment Research online will receive, via e-mail, our free weekly newsletters: Profit from the Pros. Through Profit from the Pros, we distribute commentary and investment ideas from independent third parties, who produce financial news publications and who compensate Zacks Investment Research for distributing their newsletters. From time-to-time, we will also send you special offers for products and services from Zacks Investment Research. You can unsubscribe from these e-mails at any time.

Zacks Investment Research Opt-In Marketing List
During the registration process, there is a checked box that is accompanied by the following statement: "Receive special offers and product upgrades from Zacks' business partners." If you leave this box checked, we will include the contact information you provide us on the Zacks Investment Research opt-in marketing list. We "rent" our opt-in marketing list to outside marketers who have special offers that may be of interest to you. Please note that we "rent" our marketing list, but we do not sell your information to third parties. Zacks Investment Research controls the process through an agreement with an e-mail service provider, which handles the distribution of e-mails from Zacks Investment Research and its business partners. We keep tight control over our marketing list at all times. We only give outside marketers the right to send you an e-mail through our e-mail service provider. Additionally, Zacks Investment Research is selective about which companies we permit to send you an offer. Our goal is for the e-mails to be of value to you. As always, you can unsubscribe from these e-mails at any time.

Zacks Investment Research Postal Marketing List
Everyone who submits personal postal information to Zacks Investment Research online will receive special direct mail offers from outside marketers that may be of interest to you. As with our other lists, we "rent" our postal marketing list and do not sell your information to third parties. Zacks Investment Research controls the process through an agreement with a postal list service bureau, which handles the distribution of direct mail offers from Zacks Investment Research and its business partners. Outside marketers are only given the right to send you a piece of direct mail through our bureau with our approval. Zacks Investment Research is selective about the companies we permit to send your offers and the offers being sent. Naturally, you can unsubscribe from these direct mail offers at any time.

In various registration processes on the Zacks web site, we offer you the opportunity to take free offers from third-party publishers by checking an "opt-in" box by each offer. If you check any box to receive an offer, your name, email address, and/or mailing address will be shared with the appropriate publisher.

Other Privacy Issues

Cookies: Zacks Investment Research uses cookies, tags, pixels and similar technologies to enhance your experience on our site. These technologies allow us to recognize your preference information, keep track of your the choices you make concerning the e-mails you wish to receive, and to facilitate effective Web site administration.

You may elect to refuse cookies. Please refer to your browser's Help instructions to learn more about cookies.

Do Not Email Lists: If you opt out from a Opt-In Marketing List, Zacks Investment Research Internal List, or unsubscribe from a Zacks offer sent by another list vendor, you will be added to our Do Not Email list, and we will suppress your email address from future mailings to the Zacks Investment Research Internal List and Opt-In Marketing List, as well as any other Zacks mailings done through a third party. However, if you later register for a Zacks product again, your name will be removed from the Do Not Email list.

Please note that while Zacks will not freely distribute the information you submit, if you click to unsubscribe from mailings sent to the Opt-In Marketing List from a particular marketer, we are obligated to share your email address with that marketer for the purpose of being added to their Do Not Mail list. How that mailer manages your email address after that time is beyond control.

Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule: If a child has provided us with private information without parental or guardian consent, the parent or guardian should e-mail us to remove the information and unsubscribe the child from any promotional contact opportunities.

Contact Information: If you experience any privacy related difficulties on, please use the following contact information:

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